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Psycho Magnets Return to Mark's Sports Pub in Rockin' Style

Karen - MTRM

It has been a while since the Psycho guys have appeared at Mark's Sports Pub in South Daytona and the fans (Psycho Family as they are called), decided to turn it into a rock n roll Christmas party complete with a potluck buffet!

The band, in it's..... year, has gone through many incarnations over those years and still keeps rockin' the local scene as a favorite. Frontman, Bill Hamilton, with one of the best and most versatile voices within our Central Florida local bands, has kept the 'Psycho Magnet' train rolling with fresh rock n roll on the setlist constantly. The band is also comprised of Barry...., ..........., and, filling in on guitar for a bit now, Sterling....... Sterling is a talented guy who has been in many local bands (and some nationals) whom we are hoping will stick around in the 'Psycho camp' for a while, if not permanently *wink wink*

All in all a great night at Mark's while celebrating 'family' and the Christmas season! Catch them at a venue soon, you won't be sorry!


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